下書きなう…25cmの身長差がどんなもんかわかんないな… http://t.co/jxsSFSpX
Day: January 11, 2012
RT @inicurhatanku: Makasih ya? Buat segala perhatian dan kasih sayang ketika tak ada seorangpun yg mmperdulikanku lagi… #ick
RT @inicurhatanku: Makasih ya? Buat segala perhatian dan kasih sayang ketika tak ada seorangpun yg mmperdulikanku lagi… #ick
RT @inicurhatanku: Makasih ya? Cuma kamu yg bikin aku semangat dan tegar :’) #ick
RT @inicurhatanku: Makasih ya? Kamu yg terbaik dari yg terbaik :’) #ick
@Locke1972 Arbeit wird bessa! Dit Galaxy is’n geilet Teil, sag ick sogar als Applefriak
Soooo theres these cats right? they run around all willy nilly spreading cat ick all over. so we made a cat trap last night and caught one.
Soooo theres these cats right? they run around all willy nilly spreading cat ick all over. so we made a cat trap last night and caught one.
@kdenkers ICK!
@Nourey13 LELOOO Disgusting =)) http://t.co/ERKUU2W8
Viewsonic goes cloudy, touchy and 3D with a trio of new displays
New displays? ViewSonic’s got ’em. Take, for example, the TD2220, an LED monitor that features two-point touch interaction, two USB ports, a two-watt speaker and a 360-degree swiveling screen. Then there’s the TDi2340, a so-called “anchor for cloud computing devices,” a display that connects wirelessly to tablets, smartphones and notebooks, serving as an extended desktop. […]
Boxee’s working on bringing Netflix to the UK
Just yesterday, Netflix announced that it was coming to the UK, and today the Queen’s subjects who are fans of the movie service got some more good news from from the folks at Boxee. The company started streaming Iomega TV a couple of months ago, and now Boxee has announced on its Twitter feed it’s […]
FotoShop, by Adobé
Here’s a tongue in cheek video extolling the virtues of fictional all-over beauty product FotoShop, by Style House Adobé