@lisalocke_ Ich pose nicht, ich mach mir nur nen Dutt!
Day: September 6, 2014
[#notafan #frogondoor #nature #yuck #ick
[Dippin Dots. Not ice cream and not candy. But the kids sure like them. #ick
@amyedlinkramer Dippin Dots. Not ice cream and not candy. But the kids sure like them. 3 0 #ick, Websta
[きたー✨こんなの作りたい #ick
These are disgusting ���� http://t.co/5mZnkggR17
I luv everything n everyone apart from snails n slugs, they b disgusting http://t.co/cpHHNBsnCj
How disgusting it that. http://t.co/Qfq6Rss7mt
[Day six~ Addiction. I hate to say it, but it’s Newport cigarettes.
[Na was treibt ihr so an diesem schönen Sonntag? Hier ist total warm ^-^ #Selfie #strahlender #Sonnenschein #Chilln #natürlich #mit #Sonnenbrille #darf #nicht #fehlen #Haha #morgen #Klassenfahrt *-* #Hamburg #ick #freu #mir :D wünsch euch allen noch ein schönen Tag :))
@gerifaction Na was treibt ihr so an diesem schönen Sonntag? Hier ist total warm ^-^ürlich *-* 😀 wünsch euch allen noch ein schönen Tag :)) 13 5 #morgen,#fehlen,#selfie,#haha,#sonnenbrille,#nicht,#sonnenschein,#hamburg,#darf,#freu,#ick,#strahlender,#chilln,#mit,#klassenfahrt,#mir,#natürlich, Websta
[I am a GEEK!!! can I fix your computers and stuff pweaze!!! I’m dying to!!!! Its been so long!!!!
@sunflower_circles I am a GEEK!!! can I fix your computers and stuff pweaze!!! I’m dying to!!!! Its been so long!!!! 1 1 #ick,#throwingback,#itsbeentolong,#please,#geek,#hoopspam,#technologic,#afaveofmine, Websta
My disgusting ass pretty boy days �� #whatwasithinking #letsshuffle? http://t.co/mVJOWoDHSe
My disgusting ass pretty boy days �� #whatwasithinking #letsshuffle? http://t.co/mVJOWoDHSe
[Spider Eggs in the Studio #ick
[Warm honey lemon water for this icko day
Disgusting. End the war please http://t.co/FF72uDu07Q
Just your daily dose of disgusting…Harmony just sneezed and this happened ���� http://t.co/VR6HBX1mx5
Just your daily dose of disgusting…Harmony just sneezed and this happened ���� http://t.co/VR6HBX1mx5