[Look at dat face!!!! lol. #monday #mondayhurts #mondayblues #blahhh #ick #debbiedowner #sry #llovemycats #instacats #instafam #instaderp #instameow #instacats #iloveblackandwhitecats #ilovemyfurbabies #craycray #crazycatlady #crazycatladyandproud

@kristincassano1969 Look at dat face!!!! lol. 7 0 #ilovemyfurbabies,#monday,#instameow,#instaderp,#llovemycats,#mondayblues,#mondayhurts,#craycray,#ick,#crazycatladyandproud,#crazycatlady,#debbiedowner,#blahhh,#instacats,#iloveblackandwhitecats,#sry,#instafam, Websta

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[Sweetie the subway is not your personal bed and breakfast. You better wake your punk ass up. -concerned MTA patron #OverPeople #GetYourLife and #HaveSeveralSeats #ButNotLiterally #ThisIsWhyWeCantHaveNiceThings #MouthAllOpen #Ick

@jkh2 Sweetie the subway is not your personal bed and breakfast. You better wake your punk ass up. -concerned MTA patron and 3 1 #ick,#haveseveralseats,#getyourlife,#butnotliterally,#overpeople,#mouthallopen,#thisiswhywecanthavenicethings, Fulton Street (New York City Subway) Websta

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