I have seen many things in my days but this? THIS ?! this is disgusting http://t.co/n4jg2U5TyA
Day: November 24, 2014
yo antes de un examen súper difícil http://t.co/SCnYZGrbh6
@British_Airways @Voice_OT_Orcas @Sam10k Seaworlds professional attitude towards captive orcas. Disgusting !U suck BA http://t.co/mXOXW3U0yG
@British_Airways Seaworlds professional attitude towards captive orcas. Disgusting !U suck BA http://t.co/mXOXW3U0yG
Chubbs puked, Catsby puked & got his first hairball and then I puked while cleaning it up. Cats-1 Cat Mom-0 #sensitivestomachassholes #stillfindingpukepiles #ick #catmomproblems #catsby #chubbs
@mrs_hotmess Chubbs puked, Catsby puked & got his first hairball and then I puked while cleaning it up. Cats-1 Cat Mom-0 3 0 #ick,#chubbs,#sensitivestomachassholes,#catsby,#stillfindingpukepiles,#catmomproblems, Websta
I just drank this disgusting concoction. I better be healed. Pinterest better not do me dirty like that.. http://t.co/t2HyS3ZhKN
I just drank this disgusting concoction. I better be healed. Pinterest better not do me dirty like that.. http://t.co/t2HyS3ZhKN
Me & @aaroncohenmusic modeling for Russian street brand @anteater_clothing
When u see these rubber bands all u can think is : who’s disgusting mouth was this in?�� http://t.co/e3Gl4pllgj
When u see these rubber bands all u can think is : who’s disgusting mouth was this in?�� http://t.co/e3Gl4pllgj
disgusting rat http://t.co/NNblN9GcZp
hahahaha it’s so disgusting ������ http://t.co/CIMyEYK1YE
Ewww. Not the kind of snow i wanted. #windy #rainsnow #ick #becareful!
Ugh yuck this weather is so confused. #rainnow #snowlater #chicago #weather #fall #winter #wait10minutes #ick #coldfront #colorful #dogsdroolcatsrule
@hellotheblog Ugh yuck this weather is so confused. 1 0 #ick,#winter,#wait10minutes,#chicago,#dogsdroolcatsrule,#rainnow,#weather,#coldfront,#fall,#snowlater,#colorful, Websta