@daizyp Forearms WRECK from doing this as part of an arm workout 2 DAYS AGO!!!!
Day: January 31, 2015
Let’s play: which disgusting beverage is Helen drinking tonight? http://t.co/0jGhebdLcW
Weird disgusting selfie but I feel v glamorous with my nails done http://t.co/9yXnR1v982
Currently on gnarly man hand status, home improvements + winter
total #wtf…why would someone leave a used black nitrile glove in in an atm bank? #skeevy #ick #onlyinnyc #nycwokeuplikedis #latergram
@cheesewaffle total…why would someone leave a used black nitrile glove in in an atm bank? 1 0 #ick,#nycwokeuplikedis,#wtf,#skeevy,#onlyinnyc,#latergram, Websta
these tweets are all so disgusting what the fuck why is this even trending fuck off http://t.co/wwjohoqbcQ
these tweets are all so disgusting what the fuck why is this even trending fuck off http://t.co/wwjohoqbcQ
The RC Journal is reaching to justify racial violence against Native kids. Fuck journalistic integrity. Disgusting. http://t.co/trYj1x20xe
The RC Journal is reaching to justify racial violence against Native kids. Fuck journalistic integrity. Disgusting. http://t.co/trYj1x20xe
this is disgusting. http://t.co/HEHt4U6m5M
This New Selfie Trend Is Disgusting! FAIL http://t.co/hZ2jBnKwIu http://t.co/7V5ZhnfoGI
#fourloko #malt #badass #vanlife #vanagon #westfalia #ick #alcohol #beer #cantfindthisathome
@jjosman0 #fourloko 5 0 #ick,#vanlife,#fourloko,#malt,#cantfindthisathome,#westfalia,#beer,#vanagon,#badass,#alcohol, Websta
omg this is absolutely disgusting http://t.co/rDg2GGYaY9
Biggest spider I’ve ever seen!
This is so disgusting How do these people call themselves arianators? http://t.co/ifkmgJVDFo
what the fuck get this disgusting peice of shit hashtag away from my mentions http://t.co/a2FlEVUJVZ
what the fuck get this disgusting peice of shit hashtag away from my mentions http://t.co/a2FlEVUJVZ
#algeriangirl #germangirl #americangirl #rusiangirl #polishgirl#arabgirl#türkischgirl#dancers#i#love#him#weilwirdichlieben #aus#ubahn#hahaha#ka#hatte#mega#langeweile #wat#soll #ick#denn#tun
@janinacookkie #algeriangirl#arabgirl#türkischgirl#dancers#i#love#him#weilwirdichlieben#ubahn#hahaha#ka#hatte#mega#langeweile#soll#denn#tun 21 0 #soll,#weilwirdichlieben,#love,#dancers,#americangirl,#türkischgirl,#polishgirl,#ubahn,#tun,#algeriangirl,#him,#ick,#ka,#hatte,#mega,#i,#arabgirl,#rusiangirl,#germangirl,#aus,#denn,#hahaha,#langeweile,#wat, Websta