@xobrandiebabexo Feeling rockabilly todayyy – movies later w my faves
Day: March 14, 2015
Love how this "paleo" protein powder has all these effed up ingredients in it…#notpaleo #please #ick #nothanks
@eattrainpaleo Love how this “paleo” protein powder has all these effed up ingredients in it…#notpaleo 1 0 #ick,#nothanks,#please,#notpaleo, Websta
#langeweile #warten #naketano #warm #anjezogen #is #kalt #draussen #tuerkis #rauchen #ist #ungesund #ick #weiss #tattoos #inked #piercing
@naechste_ma_vlt #langeweile 5 0 #tattoos,#naketano,#tuerkis,#warten,#is,#draussen,#warm,#kalt,#ick,#ungesund,#inked,#rauchen,#piercing,#weiss,#ist,#anjezogen,#langeweile, Websta
#IDWTBAT workout delay #Gator vs the stomach bug #round2
@rustiisnotatree #IDWTBAT workout delay vs the stomach bug 2 3 #ick,#gator,#ugh,#idwtbat,#day4,#round2,#somuchvomit,#somuchlaundry, Websta
#first #watercolour #test #skull #Graffiti #ICK
Those late night nonsensical selfies. #bad #filters #selfie #tired #blonde #ick
@willcontourforcash Those late night nonsensical selfies. 4 1 #ick,#bad,#filters,#tired,#selfie,#blonde, Websta
Dragged outside to some wedding.. #ick #family #love #fotd #offday #wefie #selfiedenganDida
@wanieidris Dragged outside to some wedding.. 1 0 #ick,#wefie,#selfiedengandida,#love,#family,#offday,#fotd, Websta
Lockheed is getting into the reusable spacecraft business
Far and away, the most expensive part of manned spaceflight involves just getting the payload off the ground. But as humanity expands its extraterrestrial influence beyond the International Space Station to the moon, Mars and beyond, space-faring nat…
Twitter’s limiting a video competitor’s access to its social framework
Not too long after Twitter bought its own live-video streaming company, it’s cutting off the competition’s access to its infrastructure. We’re talking about the new, social-broadcast video darling Meerkat, of course. As Buzzfeed’s sources tell it, th…