I might be taking a short hiatus. My SPD is hitting another spike, I’m afraid. So I’ll be spending my free time in the next few days in a dark room with calm music and my turtle star projector for some gentle visual stimming. Got W A Y too close to an overload today. #video #starprojector #spd #ick #ineedabreakfromschool

@safer_space I might be taking a short hiatus. My SPD is hitting another spike, I’m afraid. So I’ll be spending my free time in the next few days in a dark room with calm music and my turtle star projector for some gentle visual stimming. Got W A Y too close to an overload today. […]

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Fact: I think Jackson chameleons are kind of cute, but I’m deathly afraid of geckos lol #humpday #selfie #me #smile #asiangirl #curls #goodhairday #goldwatch #happy #random #buttrue #ihatelizards #ick #imprettybrown #toomuchbeach #hilife #hawaii #oahugirl #iwantsomepandas #thefoodortheanimal #haha

@gloryhash Fact: I think Jackson chameleons are kind of cute, but I’m deathly afraid of geckos lol 37 1 #ick,#toomuchbeach,#iwantsomepandas,#asiangirl,#selfie,#random,#haha,#hilife,#buttrue,#me,#goodhairday,#oahugirl,#thefoodortheanimal,#curls,#hawaii,#goldwatch,#ihatelizards,#smile,#imprettybrown,#happy,#humpday, Websta

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#mariobart #poster #programm #wand #bilder #8 #6 #2014 #weltrekord #fun #lustig #spaß #fertig #zimmer #perfekt #braun #comedy #comedypreis #gewinner #7 #jahre #kennste #wahre #jeschichte #ick #liebe dir #berlin #hauptstadt #olympiastadion Habe mir seit langem vorgenommen die Bilder neben mein Poster an die Wand zu kleben aber jetzt hab ich es endlich mal geschafft. Mein ganzes Zimmer und meine ganzen Wände voller Mario Barth

@albi8614 #mariobart #8 #6 #2014ß #7 dir Habe mir seit langem vorgenommen die Bilder neben mein Poster an die Wand zu kleben aber jetzt hab ich es endlich mal geschafft. Mein ganzes Zimmer und meine ganzen Wände voller Mario Barth

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