@wvwhitebear Got dat super vaca sickness. 3 1 #ick,#ill,#iv, Websta
Day: April 23, 2015
Immer diese Linas… @lina_11_11_2001
Uber co-founder’s new app wants to be your personal shopper
Shopping these days is easy peasy. You can either buy online if you want to stay in your pajamas or go to a store if you need a sales rep’s help. One startup believes it can combine both experiences, though, through a fledgling concierge service call…
#InterclubKosova #ick #sweatshirt
House passes bill allowing corporations to share your data
If you wanted to explain the dilemma of privacy versus security to a curious relative, the Protecting Cyber Networks Act would be a good place to start. The bill has just been passed by the House of representatives (voting 307-116 in favor), and is d…
#iconoclok #iconofedez #iconopepsi #fabrique #fedez #houseofmax #ick #work
@yattamanne #iconoclok 2 0 #ick,#houseofmax,#work,#iconoclok,#fedez,#iconofedez,#iconopepsi,#fabrique, Websta
#TION #photographer #fotografentreffen #ick #freu #mir #wie #blöd #euch #alle #wieder #zu #sehen
@sabrinas_artwork_ #TIONöd 6 0 #ick,#wie,#wieder,#photographer,#euch,#alle,#fotografentreffen,#sehen,#blöd,#zu,#tion,#mir,#freu, Websta