3 coats of each and trust me when I do my in depth comparison you will not wear lancome again #ick #whyiwearnatural #naturallybased #lovemyskin #lovemyeyes #lovenature #makeup #beauty #glam #glamgal #lookgood #instamakeup #makeuplove #makeuplover #makeupaddict #makeuplook #instalove #ilovemakeup #instalook

@youniquely_jes 3 coats of each and trust me when I do my in depth comparison you will not wear lancome again 4 0 #makeup,#beauty,#instalook,#lovenature,#instalove,#makeupaddict,#lovemyskin,#naturallybased,#glam,#glamgal,#ick,#lovemyeyes,#instamakeup,#makeuplover,#ilovemakeup,#makeuplook,#whyiwearnatural,#makeuplove,#lookgood, Websta

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Meanwhile, I can’t switch up. The rappers I know I’ve known for years. ———————– RP By @innercitykidsnyc via @RepostWhiz app: Harlem to Flushing #ICK (#RepostWhiz app)

@think_watts_theprophet Meanwhile, I can’t switch up. The rappers I know I’ve known for years. ———————– RP By via app: Harlem to Flushing (#RepostWhiz app) 21 1 #ick,#blakkkmedallion,#comingsoon,#demniggas,#repostwhiz,#somestoriesyouhavetopayfor,#oldnewyork,#nyc,#now,#flashbackfriday,#out, Websta

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