This year’s Armageddon stuff (not included: 6 packs of instant noodles). Sad that we only got 1 photo but my hair was pretty ick today so maybe that’s a good thing in that case. The toy is super fluffy and cute. All in all a pretty good 2½hours with @arthelio, @communismom and @hecka_rad_emily. #armageddonexpo #Armageddon #Panda #Plushie #Pens #Photo #yoobee #ComputerPowerPlus #instantnoodles #Indomie #Aesthetic #Friends #Fun #Hair #Ick #Stuff #2015 #Sad #SuperFluffy #Cute #Goodtime

@real_xu_kai_yin This year’s Armageddon stuff (not included: 6 packs of instant noodles). Sad that we only got 1 photo but my hair was pretty ick today so maybe that’s a good thing in that case. The toy is super fluffy and cute. All in all a pretty good 2½hours with, and. #2015 5 0 #cute,#computerpowerplus,#photo,#aesthetic,#armageddonexpo,#sad,#hair,#2015,#armageddon,#friends,#panda,#ick,#plushie,#pens,#indomie,#superfluffy,#yoobee,#stuff,#goodtime,#instantnoodles,#fun, […]

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#GASHgraffiti #RICKSgraffiti #ANMLgraffiti #Gash #Ricks #Anml #ICK #AL #SAC #42 #08 #IceColdKillers #AutoRacks #freightgraffiti #fr8#train #traingraff #railwayGraffiti #ironCarKillers #benched2015 #graffiti #Vandals #killers #innerCircle #iC #42ERS

@icecoldklique #GASHgraffiti #42 #08#train 28 0 #gash,#benched2015,#traingraff,#innercircle,#sac,#freightgraffiti,#42ers,#al,#train,#graffiti,#gashgraffiti,#ic,#autoracks,#railwaygraffiti,#ick,#ironcarkillers,#ricks,#08,#icecoldkillers,#42,#ricksgraffiti,#killers,#anml,#vandals,#fr8,#anmlgraffiti, Websta

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