@four2wo #apear 7 0 #ick,#moreterrorahead,#apear,#mta,#evorp,#srt,#boo,#sler,#rums, Websta
Day: July 31, 2015
Hmmmm…#uglycat #fatcat #hairlesscat #ick
This man is not only deplorable, he is down right dangerous. Hate and ignorance, wrapped up in a bad haircut with no tract. You , Mr. Trump would sue ANYONE who disagrees with you, start wars with foreign nations, and most certainly deny the LGBT community their equality. You’re masogenistic and misinformed. You act like a child. No way in HELL you deserve the Presidency. #asshat #insanity#trump#crazy#racist#badhaircentury#blash#ick
@honey_bee314 This man is not only deplorable, he is down right dangerous. Hate and ignorance, wrapped up in a bad haircut with no tract. You , Mr. Trump would sue ANYONE who disagrees with you, start wars with foreign nations, and most certainly deny the LGBT community their equality. You’re masogenistic and misinformed. You act […]
This is what #okcupid says I am compared to the average straight woman (my age?). So… a manic pixie dream girl. #ick #NotATrope #fail #NotLoveDriven #WhatIsLove? #BabyDontHurtMe #SuaveAsHell
@samidan19 This is what says I am compared to the average straight woman (my age?). So… a manic pixie dream girl.? 2 0 #ick,#notatrope,#babydonthurtme,#whatislove,#okcupid,#suaveashell,#fail,#notlovedriven, Websta
Why the hell do these things always creep me out sooo bad #ick #WindTurbines
@tempestfugit Why the hell do these things always creep me out sooo bad 0 1 #ick,#windturbines, Websta
So much nope. #nope #ick #chips #noway #ruiningagoodthing
PAY UP #RapMoney the title says it all. @innercitykidsnyc #NEW #Music #Release ft. my brothers ABGoHard, Aaron Cohen & Spaceman #ICK
@think_watts_theprophet PAY UP the title says it all. ft. my brothers ABGoHard, Aaron Cohen & Spaceman 3 0 #release,#new,#ick,#music,#rapmoney, Websta
#Egal #wie #dicht #ihr #seit, #ick #bin #morgen #dichter #heute #bowle #getrunke &und #See #gechillt #Morgen #korsofahrt2015
@goatutderseelegut_ #Egal , &und 0 0 #ick,#bin,#wie,#egal,#seit,#ihr,#dichter,#getrunke,#morgen,#see,#korsofahrt2015,#dicht,#heute,#bowle,#gechillt, Websta
I need some emoji stickers. But in the meantime, I’ll just get my doodle on. #emoji #doodles #doodle #plannerdoodles #planneraddict #plannercommunity #emojidoodles #emoticon #ick #plannerlife #planneremoji #dinnerfail
@yespleaseplanning I need some emoji stickers. But in the meantime, I’ll just get my doodle on. 6 0 #emoticon,#ick,#planneraddict,#plannercommunity,#doodle,#dinnerfail,#emojidoodles,#planneremoji,#plannerdoodles,#plannerlife,#doodles,#emoji, Websta
What the Fuck is that #ick
This #disgusting #ball is his toy of choice #ick #mud #dog #puppy #pitbull #dogsofinstagram #puppiesofinstagram #pitbullsofinstagram #bullybreed
@boonaparte_pitbull This is his toy of choice 10 0 #ick,#ball,#bullybreed,#dogsofinstagram,#pitbullsofinstagram,#disgusting,#dog,#mud,#puppiesofinstagram,#pitbull,#puppy, Websta
Supposed to be summer in Ireland and yet here I am with my hat and scarf.. Screw you, Irish weather. #summer #Ireland #ireland_gram #weather #cold #rain #ick #whereisthesun #girl #Irish #hat #scarf #chilly #notevenfunny #instalove #instalike #picoftheday #complaining #bleh #ew
@maesperspective Supposed to be summer in Ireland and yet here I am with my hat and scarf.. Screw you, Irish weather. 8 0 #summer,#irish,#whereisthesun,#instalove,#notevenfunny,#rain,#ireland_gram,#weather,#girl,#bleh,#ick,#cold,#ew,#complaining,#chilly,#ireland,#instalike,#hat,#picoftheday,#scarf, Websta
Really not how I wanted to start my day #blood #ick #firstworldproblems #piercing #piercings
@_saintmarie_ Really not how I wanted to start my day 0 0 #ick,#firstworldproblems,#blood,#piercing,#piercings, Websta
Philae delivered crucial comet data despite its bumpy landing
Philae had a bumpy landing on the 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet last November, but that didn’t stop it from relaying some important data back to Earth. Papers published in the journal Science reveal how scientists, using the data collected by Phila…
Space drones will collect samples from planets and asteroids
While Curiosity’s doing a great job on the red planet, there are still areas it can’t go to, such as steep cliffs/hills and locations hidden by permanent shadows. That’s why the engineers at NASA Kennedy Space Center’s Swamp Works laboratory are deve…