My face is burnt and peeling. I look like I have some weird facial disease. Ha. :( #sunburnt #nobueno #notfun #burn #peeling #face #ouch #red #tomatoface #ick #yuckyyucky #blah #mexico #trip #vacation #toomuchsun #whitegirlprobs #albino #thisisaproblem #selfie

@k_henricks My face is burnt and peeling. I look like I have some weird facial disease. Ha. 🙁 5 0 #mexico,#peeling,#selfie,#burn,#yuckyyucky,#ouch,#vacation,#blah,#notfun,#albino,#trip,#ick,#toomuchsun,#sunburnt,#nobueno,#face,#tomatoface,#thisisaproblem,#whitegirlprobs,#red, Websta

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Lol…I love this very simple but profound quote. Life can be as easy or as hard as you choose it to be. Do your best to be kind while helping others and yourself. It really is easy and effortless not to be a D#ick! :-) ~Peace

@thehealerguy Lol…I love this very simple but profound quote. Life can be as easy or as hard as you choose it to be. Do your best to be kind while helping others and yourself. It really is easy and effortless not to be a D#ick! 🙂 ~Peace 3 2 #healyourself,#motivation,#inspire,#deanschaefer,#healyourbody,#mind,#life,#energyhealer,#thinkandgrowrich,#perspective,#healer,#healyourlife,#meditation,#thehealerguy,#happiness,#lifecoach,#ick,#wisdom,#lawofattraction,#destiny,#noexcuses,#hopeful,#manifest,#coaching,#change,#personaldevelopment,#desire,#inspirationalquotes,#ptsd,#goals, Websta

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Finally got around to setting up a couple of beer-filled snail traps this week. It worked! No snails in my garden to eat my pretty, pretty perennials – yay! But now I’m afraid to empty them… #ick #eew #doubleeew #snails #beertrap #snailtrap #yuck #slimysonsobitches #firstworldproblems #stopbeingagirl #illgetaroundtoiteventually

@domesticheaven Finally got around to setting up a couple of beer-filled snail traps this week. It worked! No snails in my garden to eat my pretty, pretty perennials – yay! But now I’m afraid to empty them… 1 0 #ick,#yuck,#doubleeew,#eew,#beertrap,#firstworldproblems,#illgetaroundtoiteventually,#slimysonsobitches,#snailtrap,#snails,#stopbeingagirl, Websta

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What breakfast looks like when your barista makes your latte with half and half and not almond milk and you are #dairyfree. #thiswaspurchasedAFTERigotsickinthebathroom #notyourmamanotyourmilk #upset #ick #4sipsandIknew #dairyedISaVERB

@jennacokerjones What breakfast looks like when your barista makes your latte with half and half and not almond milk and you are. 4 3 #ick,#4sipsandiknew,#dairyfree,#notyourmamanotyourmilk,#upset,#dairyedisaverb,#thiswaspurchasedafterigotsickinthebathroom, Websta

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