Feeling poopy means time to break out Grandma Charlotte’s matzo ball soup recipe. Whole wheat matzo balls with kosher chicken just for some extra strength medicine. #jewfood #matzoballsoup #grandmasrecipe #kosher #empirechicken #jewishpenicillin #saturdaynightcooking #jewishphilly #summercold #ick

@eatdessertfirst18 Feeling poopy means time to break out Grandma Charlotte’s matzo ball soup recipe. Whole wheat matzo balls with kosher chicken just for some extra strength medicine. 2 0 #ick,#jewfood,#jewishphilly,#saturdaynightcooking,#matzoballsoup,#grandmasrecipe,#kosher,#jewishpenicillin,#summercold,#empirechicken, Websta

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Kimball’s salmon he caught today. Gross, but a nice reminder to know where your food comes from. #boats #dadgram #kimball #fish #lakeontario #labourday #hathair #besties #salmon #dadsofinstagram #60 #seniormoments #engineersofinstagram #selfie #holiday #family #foodfeed #ick #omega3 #nothanks #gonefishin

@allisondaygram Kimball’s salmon he caught today. Gross, but a nice reminder to know where your food comes from. #60 3 0 #labourday,#kimball,#besties,#family,#foodfeed,#selfie,#salmon,#lakeontario,#dadsofinstagram,#engineersofinstagram,#seniormoments,#ick,#60,#hathair,#nothanks,#gonefishin,#dadgram,#boats,#holiday,#fish,#omega3, Websta

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Promille Papst #boah #eeeeh #daistnochplatznachoben #kater #vom #feinsten #4,6 #promille #heißt #ick #chille #saufen #sportlich #oi #feiern #hui #dresden #derlude #schönesding #was #dermorgendanach #bromageddon #ein #bier #reicht #nicht #:( mit @xpietschix

@all_in_udo Promille Papst #4,6ßtönesding #:( mit 41 0 #boah,#dresden,#daistnochplatznachoben,#vom,#saufen,#promille,#hui,#dermorgendanach,#eeeeh,#nicht,#bromageddon,#feiern,#heißt,#ick,#reicht,#chille,#oi,#sportlich,#kater,#schönesding,#bier,#feinsten,#4,#was,#derlude,#ein, Websta

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Tarot card no.3 The High Priestess. I like her hat. #ink #draw #art #sharpie #sketch #artists #vancouver #yvr #vancouverartist #gross #halloween #horror #sketchy #inkpen #artisttradingcard #artcard #tarot #thehighpriestess #antlers #ick #slime #majorarcana #arcana

@tonyvelocity Tarot card no.3 The High Priestess. I like her hat. 14 0 #antlers,#sketch,#thehighpriestess,#art,#horror,#ink,#halloween,#slime,#vancouverartist,#tarot,#artcard,#sharpie,#artists,#ick,#gross,#yvr,#inkpen,#draw,#arcana,#sketchy,#vancouver,#artisttradingcard,#majorarcana, Websta

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