How’d my labor day weekend go? A little bit like this…so much for fun in the sun, the hubs got the flu. Each time he gets sick, I get a mild version of it so I’m staying in tonight, with no workout. Making zucchini spaghetti and hoping tomorrow is less of a cold sweats kinda day. #laborday #theflu #ick #keepingitreal #fitness #fitnesstomorrow #zucchininoodles #3realfitsis #fitsis2 #sick #blah

@3realfitsis How’d my labor day weekend go? A little bit like this…so much for fun in the sun, the hubs got the flu. Each time he gets sick, I get a mild version of it so I’m staying in tonight, with no workout. Making zucchini spaghetti and hoping tomorrow is less of a cold sweats […]

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Photoshoot at work. Thank’s @mine_2804 #funatwork #photoshoot #chefatwork #topfmodel #chefmodel #style #köln #kölle #cologne #ehrenfeld #chic #werkannderkann #ichkann #danke #kollegin #colleg #waitres #fotografie #übervanillisiert #wersolchefreundehatbrauchtkeinefeinde #spassbeiderarbeit #falkatwork #atwork #spätzletwister #danke #spass #chefwithstyle #ick #kitchenstories

@spaetzletwister Photoshoot at work. Thank’s ölnölle #übervanillisiertätzletwister 5 0 #spass,#kölle,#cologne,#werkannderkann,#spätzletwister,#übervanillisiert,#waitres,#kollegin,#colleg,#kitchenstories,#chic,#funatwork,#fotografie,#ick,#ehrenfeld,#style,#ichkann,#chefatwork,#falkatwork,#spassbeiderarbeit,#danke,#köln,#wersolchefreundehatbrauchtkeinefeinde,#chefmodel,#photoshoot,#atwork,#chefwithstyle,#topfmodel, Websta

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◇◇KALI IRON KENNELS◇◇ "PHANTOM" (JUGG X CHERRY) Woke up early to hit the gym Shoulders and Arms today.. Phantom is turning out really good and is getting ready for Mr Olympia!!!! For our Dogs and Breedings (951)261-3606 WWW.KALIIRONKENNELS.COM #mansbestfriend #americanbully #xxl #pitbull #pitbull #bully #breed #kaliironkennels #gk #ick #rbg #hulk #mma #ufc #nba #nfl #greenbaypackers #mlb #dodgers #puppy #puppies #biggest #dogs #like #lakers #kobe #follow #lebronjames #fifa #rondarousey

@biggest_xxl_pitbulls ◇◇KALI IRON KENNELS◇◇ “PHANTOM” (JUGG X CHERRY) Woke up early to hit the gym Shoulders and Arms today.. Phantom is turning out really good and is getting ready for Mr Olympia!!!! For our Dogs and Breedings (951)261-3606 WWW.KALIIRONKENNELS.COM 21 1 #fifa,#mlb,#dodgers,#kaliironkennels,#bully,#mansbestfriend,#rondarousey,#lebronjames,#ufc,#hulk,#rbg,#kobe,#follow,#nba,#gk,#xxl,#ick,#nfl,#like,#americanbully,#mma,#breed,#lakers,#greenbaypackers,#pitbull,#biggest,#puppies,#puppy,#dogs, Websta

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