Good night🌟🌠🌟 #sunday#weekend#noch8tage#dannarschleckentralala#abindensüden#sommer#zurück#holen#vorfreude #ick#schlaft#schön#sweet#dreams🌟

@lydia__lydia__ Good night🌟🌠🌟#weekend#noch8tage#dannarschleckentralala#abindensüden#sommer#zurück#holen#vorfreude#schlaft#schön#sweet#dreams🌟 13 0 #noch8tage,#ick,#vorfreude,#dannarschleckentralala,#schön,#dreams🌟,#holen,#sunday,#schlaft,#sweet,#zurück,#sommer,#weekend,#abindensüden, Websta

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Tried to be a big girl and clean up the rock wall along the drive way and do some weeding. Gave up after 3 near heart attacks. A worm touched my toe: may never wear sandals outside again, I saw a wierd rolly bug that stuck to my glove and started to roll up to my bare arm, and lastly I saw a VERY large insect with far too many legs that moved way too quick for me to trust continuing without knowing it’s whereabouts. I have legit seen human children smaller than this thing was. Screeched and schrilled enough for one day. There are not gloves thick enough. I try but really I am just a city girl who belongs parked inside with a drink infront of the Giants game on a Sunday not doing lawn work. I like to be outside and at one with nature but not really haha only to a certain extent, like enjoying sunshine, a breeze or star gazing. Not chillin with bugs. Nope! #itried #fuckthat #fuckthatnoise #notforme #nottoday #nope #dontthinkso #disgusting #foh #homeownerproblems #badatadulting #willsurely #havenightmares #gross #ick #ew #bugsaregross #citygirlatheart #newyorktothebone #creepycrawlies

@sartinjensen Tried to be a big girl and clean up the rock wall along the drive way and do some weeding. Gave up after 3 near heart attacks. A worm touched my toe: may never wear sandals outside again, I saw a wierd rolly bug that stuck to my glove and started to roll up […]

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