The iOS App Store is usually a trustworthy source of software. But as hackers tend to do, they found a way to get their nefarious wares into the China version of the software supermarket. By using altered versions of Apple' development tool Xcode t…
Month: September 2015
Truth be told in the form of musical poetry. #dandelionhands #song #poetry #music #love #life #sad #cantsleep #ick #smileon
@imaginationexpo Truth be told in the form of musical poetry. 3 0 #ick,#dandelionhands,#love,#song,#life,#poetry,#music,#smileon,#sad,#cantsleep, Websta
😂 me 🙋🏻 #donttouchme #ick
So ready for a nap right now! Waiting for the boys to get out of school makes me sleepy. 😴. #hotmess #stillingymclothes #ick
@jthaivandat So ready for a nap right now! Waiting for the boys to get out of school makes me sleepy. 😴. 1 0 #ick,#stillingymclothes,#hotmess, Apple Tree Christian Preschool Websta
Turns out that no one can replace me 😊🚭🚱🚻 #mismosuper #navigator #ick #glupas #stitches
@ena_fireec Turns out that no one can replace me 😊🚭🚱🚻 3 0 #ick,#glupas,#navigator,#mismosuper,#stitches, Navigator Websta
If one wants to be a good student, arriving on time is a must. Or, if you are me, you can arrive an hour and a half early! In a case like mine, make sure to bring entertainment. -_- #earlybird #bookworm #stephenking #everythingseventual14darktales #everythingseventual #gamer #math #ick #purple #browneyedgirl #water #bhcc #bunkerhill #gamer #gamergirl #girlgamer
@lilithstarling If one wants to be a good student, arriving on time is a must. Or, if you are me, you can arrive an hour and a half early! In a case like mine, make sure to bring entertainment. -_- 0 1 #ick,#stephenking,#everythingseventual,#gamergirl,#purple,#bunkerhill,#everythingseventual14darktales,#bookworm,#water,#girlgamer,#earlybird,#browneyedgirl,#bhcc,#math,#gamer, Websta
#studyhall #bored #halp #ick #ugh
New glasses♡ #selfie #meeeeeeeee #ick #myface #glasses
The Gum Wall before our food tour! @roxanasbaking, @spendpennies and @cccandmore. #seattlewa #seattle #pikeplacemarket #gumwall #lotsofgum #ick #sticky ##ifbc #foodblogger #travel
@365daysofbaking The Gum Wall before our food tour! , and. ##ifbc 19 2 #ick,#seattlewa,#foodblogger,#travel,#lotsofgum,#sticky,#pikeplacemarket,#gumwall,#ifbc,#seattle, Gum Wall Websta
want to go swimming? 😘👙👌🏼 #pool #green #ick
Who flosses their teeth in a parking lot? #biohazard #asseenonmycommute #floss #teeth #ick #litterbug #youaregross #messymarvin #nonbiodegradable #throwthatshitout #blueskinnyjeans #friday
@runcolbyrun Who flosses their teeth in a parking lot? 10 1 #ick,#nonbiodegradable,#litterbug,#friday,#asseenonmycommute,#floss,#throwthatshitout,#blueskinnyjeans,#teeth,#biohazard,#youaregross,#messymarvin, Websta
21 #kotti #berlin #nights #ick #liebe #dir #birthday
#ick #steh #uff #wedding #dit #is #meen #ding #berlin #streetart #life #good #old #home
@tamaraandhannah_namibia #ick 6 0 #ick,#ding,#life,#meen,#old,#streetart,#steh,#uff,#berlin,#good,#wedding,#dit,#home,#is, Websta
Amen😕 #ICK #TurnOff
Okay I have a very eventful day first I was all ready at 7:05 never happens… Today I have a math test that I know I’m gonna take 3 hours doing I’m guessing idk I like to go slow. I’m also getting my tongue pierced after school omg I hope I can find tmnt tongue piercings that be sick dudes!!! Also I’m talking to my ex about his ex girlfriend and stuff it’s really confusing so he wants to explain what happened and then we’re gonna talk about us because we still have feelings for each other so that’s cool. Anyways hope everyone has a shelltastic day!!!! #tmnt #Mikey #ice #ick #cards #newepisode #feels #shellhead #tongue #piercing #fuckschool #boyfriendUmIdk #mathisdumb
@_ninjaturtlelove_ Okay I have a very eventful day first I was all ready at 7:05 never happens… Today I have a math test that I know I’m gonna take 3 hours doing I’m guessing idk I like to go slow. I’m also getting my tongue pierced after school omg I hope I can find tmnt […]