@jelenysdtorres Blah…#cheesin 6 0 #blue,#ick,#whiteshirt,#old,#ugly,#cheesin,#boring,#selfie,#curls,#longhairdontcare,#brownhair,#blah, Websta
Day: October 24, 2015
Chrome Canary shows how secure your web browsing really is
If you think that your browser's little padlock icon isn't enough to verify a website's security (but don't want to install a full-fledged app), you now have a better solution. Google has released a new Chrome Canary build that includes a security…
Toshiba is reportedly selling its camera sensor business to Sony
Toshiba's accounting scandal may cost it a lot more than just a CEO and a wad of cash. Sources for Bloomberg, the Japan Times and Reuters all claim that the tech giant is expected to sell its camera sensor business (specifically, its manufacturing…
Gotta love a well put together bully , some might weigh more some might be bigger (hes 125lbs by d way w a 27+" head) nd some might have a much bigger name or more hype behind them but few are both big nd well structured, at just 2 years old D Bishop comes with nothing but a clean cut classic look but in a xl ,nothing sloppy about this boy. Be on the look out for his productions. #bluegorilla #dbishop #oldschooledge #ick #pupscomingsoon
@biggorrilla Gotta love a well put together bully , some might weigh more some might be bigger (hes 125lbs by d way w a 27+” head) nd some might have a much bigger name or more hype behind them but few are both big nd well structured, at just 2 years old D Bishop comes […]
#eager #otr #ick #daytimeflick #lagraffiti #losangelesgraffiti #westcoastgraffiti #zipgun
@zipgunforlife #eager 94 0 #ick,#daytimeflick,#losangelesgraffiti,#eager,#lagraffiti,#westcoastgraffiti,#otr,#zipgun, Los Angeles, California Websta
When you don’t feel good but your face be feeling good. #ick
Love #bullypuppy #ick #delacruz #razorsedge #swogger #bully #americanbully #love
@damphundar Love 10 0 #ick,#love,#bully,#razorsedge,#americanbully,#delacruz,#bullypuppy,#swogger, Websta
jaaaaaa 😀✊💙 #auswärtssieg #herthabsc #hertha #bsc #hbsc #hahohe #blauweiß #altedame #herthaner #ostkurve #hierregiertderbsc #berlin #berliner #anderspree #nurherthabsc #berlinistblauweiß #1892 #hauptstadtclub #berlinersportclub #nurderbsc #fahnepur #fürimmer #eineliebe #bitstrips #ich #icke #ick
@markobsc jaaaaaa 😀✊💙ärtssieg ßß #1892ürimmer 11 0 #berlinersportclub,#ick,#auswärtssieg,#nurherthabsc,#icke,#hertha,#berlinistblauweiß,#hahohe,#hbsc,#hauptstadtclub,#anderspree,#bitstrips,#1892,#bsc,#hierregiertderbsc,#ich,#herthaner,#berliner,#altedame,#fürimmer,#berlin,#fahnepur,#blauweiß,#eineliebe,#herthabsc,#nurderbsc,#ostkurve, Websta
Bottoms be like… #bottoms #ick #gaylife #gayproblems #gays #gaymen #gaydudes #gayman #gay #gayguys #gayboys #gaystagram #gayinstagram #instagay #iggay #instahomo #gaydad
@jeffitis2011 Bottoms be like… 8 0 #gaydad,#gay,#gayinstagram,#gaylife,#iggay,#bottoms,#gaydudes,#ick,#gaymen,#instahomo,#instagay,#gayguys,#gaystagram,#gayboys,#gays,#gayman,#gayproblems, Websta
#Hamburg love #ick heb än Hamburger fährmaster seyn #warglblarg #wildlingvonmotte #wildling #organic #vegan
@moehchen #Hamburg love heb än Hamburger fährmaster seyn 9 0 #ick,#wildlingvonmotte,#organic,#warglblarg,#hamburg,#wildling,#vegan, Websta
Abendbrot. Tisch gedeckt. #Ick #pudding #it #rein #in #den #mund #vanille
🍁🍃🍁🍃🍁🍃🍁🍃🍁🍃🍁🍃🍁🍃🍁🍃🍁🍃 #schwarzweiß #mütze #sonnenbrille #herbst #mrm #icke #ick #ich #me #i #schnitt
@markobsc 🍁🍃🍁🍃🍁🍃🍁🍃🍁🍃🍁🍃🍁🍃🍁🍃🍁🍃ßütze 2 0 #ick,#me,#ich,#schwarzweiß,#icke,#i,#sonnenbrille,#herbst,#mrm,#schnitt,#mütze, Websta
Finally on our way home #puppy #bully #americanbully #xlbully #aok #swogger #razorsedge #delacruz #ick #bullypuppy
@damphundar Finally on our way home 15 2 #ick,#xlbully,#bully,#razorsedge,#americanbully,#delacruz,#aok,#bullypuppy,#puppy,#swogger, Websta
Missing this little dude like whoa tonight/this morning… 😕 #SleeplessNights #EarlyMornings #MaybeIShouldRunInOut #Weirdo #Ick #PhoenixCarter #SillyBoy #ABoyAndHisMommy #ItsThePhoenixAndMommyShow ✌💜🐥
@itstheashleyshow Missing this little dude like whoa tonight/this morning… 😕 ✌💜🐥 1 0 #ick,#aboyandhismommy,#sleeplessnights,#sillyboy,#maybeishouldruninout,#earlymornings,#phoenixcarter,#weirdo,#itsthephoenixandmommyshow, Websta
🎶Spider Pose #spiderpose 🎶 🎶Doesn’t want to do what a spider does!!👎🏼🎶 #Ick #gross #arachnophobia #ihatespiders #webs #spiders #leaveamessageandillcallyouback #peace #love #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #yoghoul #hauntedyogis @carleyoga @fractal.9 @yogasassygee @laceytcufitchick @caligo751 @balinisports @bangkokpants @infinitystrap @revolutionwheel @brynna.jewelrydesigns
@yoga_a_gogo 🎶Spider Pose 🎶 🎶Doesn’t want to do what a spider does!!👎🏼🎶.9.jewelrydesigns 6 0 #ick,#gross,#peace,#love,#ihatespiders,#leaveamessageandillcallyouback,#arachnophobia,#yoghoul,#yogaeverydamnday,#spiders,#webs,#yoga,#spiderpose,#hauntedyogis, Websta