Two hours later "That was fun, now let’s get tf back to LA" /////// #orangecounty #ick // #details #ootd #fashion #canon7D #candid #blackandwhite #violin #smile #baroque #orchestra #music #LA #art #college #spring2016 #funkpop #betthanksyou

@willow.miraga Two hours later “That was fun, now let’s get tf back to LA” /////// // 10 0 #fashion,#art,#blackandwhite,#funkpop,#candid,#college,#ootd,#violin,#spring2016,#ick,#orangecounty,#canon7d,#la,#orchestra,#music,#details,#betthanksyou,#smile,#baroque, Concordia University Irvine Websta

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21 day #nojunkfoodchallenge, day 16… its Tuesday, which is my very long day and i feel like garbage. I thought i had just over bleached during my cleaning yesterday causing my athsma to flare but today im convinced im getting sick. Coughing, sneezing, runny nose, upset tummy and all i want to do is sleep… ugh! I did force down a salad and yogurt for lunch even though i didnt want it at all. Hope everyone else is having a better day than me! #idontfeelgood #ick #justletmesleep #idontlikeit #idontwantit #jesusfixit #help #ineedtofeelbetter #fitfam #weightloss #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney

@liinds_losing_lots 21 day, day 16… its Tuesday, which is my very long day and i feel like garbage. I thought i had just over bleached during my cleaning yesterday causing my athsma to flare but today im convinced im getting sick. Coughing, sneezing, runny nose, upset tummy and all i want to do is sleep… […]

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When the only thing that makes you feel better is snuggles💕 After 5 days of this I am now thinking I had some kind of stomach bug. My "recovery" from this has been like any time I have had a stomach bug, and I think me already having vertigo just made everything 10 times worse. Justin came home Wednesday night not feeling well and had gotten sick and I thought maybe he had eaten something bad. Now I think he must of had a touch of something. I had chills and then would get really hot Sunday night and Monday I was achy everywhere. I’m still pretty dizzy to. I’ve been trying to do some of my physical therapy to keep it going but I’m back at my first eye exercises which were the easier ones and I’m only able to do 2-3 of them. I’ve missed 3 days of workouts and probably will miss tomorrow to. Right now lots of rest is what I need. Thank you all for your prayers. Everyday I do feel a little better, I’m just not quite back to normal yet. If you want to keep praying, I appreciate it 💕

@ashley.enderson When the only thing that makes you feel better is snuggles💕 After 5 days of this I am now thinking I had some kind of stomach bug. My “recovery” from this has been like any time I have had a stomach bug, and I think me already having vertigo just made everything 10 times […]

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#randomfact: I dress according to my mood. Today I’m feeling extremely #grungy, which calls for Grandpa’s cardigan and some Nirvana. I can’t kick this on and off illness that I’ve had for about 2 weeks now because the weather gods can’t seem to decide between spring and the Arctic. Ughh. I was so determined to keep up with challenges this month, but every morning I wake up feeling at one end of the health spectrum or the other. My sinuses were not built for these ‘mind’ games. #sickandtiredofbeingsickandtired #sickofbeingsick #ick #grungegirl

@twirlingcircus #randomfact: I dress according to my mood. Today I’m feeling extremely, which calls for Grandpa’s cardigan and some Nirvana. I can’t kick this on and off illness that I’ve had for about 2 weeks now because the weather gods can’t seem to decide between spring and the Arctic. Ughh. I was so determined to […]

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