Don’t bleach your hair unless you know what you’re doing!!! Y’all walkin around looking like the clowns you are, just warms my dark heart😂🎉 I guess that’s called copycat karma ;) You could never compete where you don’t even compare✌ #haircolorist #accidental #orangehair #ick #bitchquotes #oftheday #realblonde #wannabes #clown #lookin #skanks #meme #hairstylist #bitchmemes #bitchywitch #bitchcraft #beoriginal #copycat #karma

@erthgoddess Don’t bleach your hair unless you know what you’re doing!!! Y’all walkin around looking like the clowns you are, just warms my dark heart😂🎉 I guess that’s called copycat karma 😉 You could never compete where you don’t even compare✌ 7 0 #meme,#wannabes,#realblonde,#bitchmemes,#accidental,#bitchcraft,#hairstylist,#bitchywitch,#oftheday,#beoriginal,#ick,#copycat,#skanks,#bitchquotes,#clown,#haircolorist,#karma,#lookin,#orangehair, Websta

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