It’s a lazy day at our house… whatever is going on with my head is not my friend. Moobers and Sadie are taking advantage and just lounging around. Tomorrow is their grooming apt. Consider this their "before picture ". #Goawaydizzyheadstuffiness,#pressure,#ick,#lazypuppies,#notreallypuppies,#lovethesegirls,#momlife,#morethanjustanumber, #loveyourself,#dogmom,#furbabies,#theyreamess,#theyremymess,#niceoutsideandstuckinside,#theyrekeepingmecompany,#justwannaworkout

@phyrnice It’s a lazy day at our house… whatever is going on with my head is not my friend. Moobers and Sadie are taking advantage and just lounging around. Tomorrow is their grooming apt. Consider this their “before picture “.,#pressure,#ick,#lazypuppies,#notreallypuppies,#lovethesegirls,#momlife,#morethanjustanumber,,#dogmom,#furbabies,#theyreamess,#theyremymess,#niceoutsideandstuckinside,#theyrekeepingmecompany,#justwannaworkout 1 0 #momlife,#notreallypuppies,#justwannaworkout,#loveyourself,#pressure,#goawaydizzyheadstuffiness,#niceoutsideandstuckinside,#theyremymess,#ick,#morethanjustanumber,#dogmom,#theyrekeepingmecompany,#lazypuppies,#lovethesegirls,#theyreamess,#furbabies, Websta

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Seen this pick on a XL Bully APBT group on Facebook. He is owned by John Roser. 170 lbs at almost 2 years. I was super excited to see this big guy is related to my girl Stella! He is a Stalefish grand son and Stella is a Stalefish grand daughter. #xl #ick #stalefish #stale #fish #bully #apbt #health #tempermant #structure #sire #chestday #trustjesus #amen

@trust_jesus_kennels Seen this pick on a XL Bully APBT group on Facebook. He is owned by John Roser. 170 lbs at almost 2 years. I was super excited to see this big guy is related to my girl Stella! He is a Stalefish grand son and Stella is a Stalefish grand daughter. 8 0 #ick,#apbt,#bully,#xl,#sire,#fish,#amen,#tempermant,#stalefish,#health,#chestday,#stale,#trustjesus,#structure, […]

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I see you going to cat cuddle, mother Tucker . I am not happy about it but I will wait here until you get back because I do love you in spite of your traitorous behaviour #iseeyou #watching #notimpressed #howmuchisthatdoggyinthwwindow #shihtzu #catastrophe #ick #catsitting #mothertucker

@themyth_thelegend_theshihtzu I see you going to cat cuddle, mother Tucker . I am not happy about it but I will wait here until you get back because I do love you in spite of your traitorous behaviour 29 3 #ick,#howmuchisthatdoggyinthwwindow,#catastrophe,#watching,#shihtzu,#catsitting,#notimpressed,#iseeyou,#mothertucker, Websta

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Wir sitzen auf einem Dach, wach, reden die ganze Nacht, alles passt. #einer#der#wundervollsten#Menschen#die#ick#jemals#kennenlernen#durfte#egal#was#passiert#das#Du#und#ick#hält#fürimmer#. #best#Buddies#beste#freundefürslebengefunden ☺️💖🔐💎

@sandra.moritz Wir sitzen auf einem Dach, wach, reden die ganze Nacht, alles passt.#der#wundervollsten#Menschen#die#ick#jemals#kennenlernen#durfte#egal#was#passiert#das#Du#und#ick#hält#fürimmer#.#Buddies#beste#freundefürslebengefunden ☺️💖🔐💎 2 0 #egal,#einer,#menschen,#jemals,#kennenlernen,#das,#hält,#durfte,#passiert,#freundefürslebengefunden,#best,#ick,#du,#wundervollsten,#die,#fürimmer,#buddies,#beste,#und,#was,#der, Websta

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#diewocheaufinstagram#memory#berlin#ick#liebe#dir#I#love#berlin#Fernsehturm#sommer2015#manchmal#ein# bisschen# verrückt#crazy#😉#schönenAbend#goodevening

@janet21716 #diewocheaufinstagram#memory#berlin#ick#liebe#dir#I#love#berlin#Fernsehturm#sommer2015#manchmal#ein# bisschen# verrückt#crazy#😉#schönenAbend#goodevening 7 0 #crazy,#love,#😉,#fernsehturm,#berlin,#manchmal,#ick,#i,#liebe,#goodevening,#schönenabend,#diewocheaufinstagram,#memory,#sommer2015,#dir,#ein, Websta

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