J A L Y N ♡ Thank you for being such a real and loyal friend, my life wouldn’t be as fun, loud, slutty or buzzed without you in it. You bring both the best and worst out of me in a good way, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. From the bottom of my heart I love you, Happy Birthday Ick. #BirthdayBestie #ick #blessed

@daniiijo94 J A L Y N ♡ Thank you for being such a real and loyal friend, my life wouldn’t be as fun, loud, slutty or buzzed without you in it. You bring both the best and worst out of me in a good way, and I wouldn’t want it any other way. From the […]

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Bisschen throwbacken. u define art. Ick schnupper #berlin #weißnichtwo #alice #salonzurwildenrenate #wc #art #frag #mich #nicht #pieceofshit #kenn #ick #Alexanderplatz #kotti #kunst #germany #girlswithtoilettepapers #werlachtdrrlacht

@aberdeen__ Bisschen throwbacken. u define art. Ick schnupperßnichtwo 1 0 #frag,#art,#kotti,#berlin,#nicht,#germany,#salonzurwildenrenate,#mich,#pieceofshit,#kunst,#ick,#wc,#girlswithtoilettepapers,#werlachtdrrlacht,#weißnichtwo,#kenn,#alice,#alexanderplatz, Websta

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Shihet përkushtimi, vullneti dhe puna e fortë ekipore për garën prestigjoze të NASA Space Apps Challenge. Our team is showing commitment, will and work of a strong team for NASA Space Apps Challenge. #SpaceApps #ICK #NASA #ACK @ickosovo

@astroclubkosova Shihet përkushtimi, vullneti dhe puna e fortë ekipore për garën prestigjoze të NASA Space Apps Challenge. Our team is showing commitment, will and work of a strong team for NASA Space Apps Challenge. 0 0 #ick,#ack,#nasa,#spaceapps, ICK – Innovation Centre Kosovo Websta

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