Leaves of three hanging out around my ankles, I respectfully declined their offer for a handshake 😑😨🌿🍃 #leavesofthreeletthembe #leavesofthree #ick #poisonoak #keepyourdistance #donttouch #handsoff #nature #naturelover #bemindfulofyoursurroundings #explore #thegreatoutdoors #getoutdoors #getoutside #green #thanksbutnothanks

@wrensnest81 Leaves of three hanging out around my ankles, I respectfully declined their offer for a handshake 😑😨🌿🍃 12 0 #naturelover,#thegreatoutdoors,#poisonoak,#explore,#getoutside,#bemindfulofyoursurroundings,#getoutdoors,#leavesofthree,#ick,#handsoff,#donttouch,#keepyourdistance,#green,#leavesofthreeletthembe,#thanksbutnothanks,#nature, Websta

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Just hanging out with my boyfriend at Bass Pro. I’m enjoying the heated, massage recliner! Lol…disregard the hideous camouflage. #bassproshop #camo #recliner #illsticktothemall #werenotgettingcamofurniture #ick

@terripaxton Just hanging out with my boyfriend at Bass Pro. I’m enjoying the heated, massage recliner! Lol…disregard the hideous camouflage. 6 0 #ick,#camo,#recliner,#werenotgettingcamofurniture,#bassproshop,#illsticktothemall, Bass Pro Shops Websta

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EEEE I am SO stoked for my order to come in today! I have been in a stupid funk all week, I don’t want to air my dirty laundry on FB, so I’ll just say life has been testing me. As a result, I’ve broken out and haven’t made the greatest food choices. My body is so used to not eating crap it only takes almost a week for my face to break out. :( I used to be super self conscious about acne in high school (it was way worse)..ugh anyway! I am back on track and can’t wait to use some it works Exfoliating Peel! It’s super gentle and boosts my skin’s natural renewal with natural plant and fruit extracts. Gonna strip away the dead skin, excess oil, and daily crap that clogs my pores! I can’t wait to show you how soft and smoooooth and most importantly (to me) my healthier-looking skin. In the mean time, totally doing a facial. #exfoliatingpeel #facial #epidermis #loveyourskin #treatyourbodyright #facial #itworks #breakouts #acne #blemishes #scabpicker #ick #scars #cleanskin #hydration

@wrapitupup EEEE I am SO stoked for my order to come in today! I have been in a stupid funk all week, I don’t want to air my dirty laundry on FB, so I’ll just say life has been testing me. As a result, I’ve broken out and haven’t made the greatest food choices. My […]

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