#Repost from @syahirah_maro with @repostapp — Event deepavali dekat ofis. Thats why ad bindi dkt dahi tu. Mata cantik sy tu, im wearing Lens Big Nudy Grey from @beauteetips. Sangat2 selesa. Even terlebih masa pakai mata still tak merah. Owner dea pun ramah, so boleh lah try usha ig dea. Confirm puas hati. #terimakasih #ilovemycustomers #beauteetipsfeedback #beauteetipscustomer #contactlens #contactlensmurah #contactlenskorea #contactlens #contactlensmalaysia #bazaarpaknil #sayajual #sayajualmurah #onlineshopmalaysia #beauteetipscontactlens #ifairy #candylicious #kimchi #eos #ick #beluxurybabe #winterbarbie #thedisneylens #lensmurah #lensmalaysia #rbnov #btbignudylens


#Repost from with — Event deepavali dekat ofis. Thats why ad bindi dkt dahi tu.
Mata cantik sy tu, im wearing Lens Big Nudy Grey from. Sangat2 selesa. Even terlebih masa pakai mata still tak merah. Owner dea pun ramah, so boleh lah try usha ig dea. Confirm puas hati.


