Okay @laurentripp here’s your warning. Funny story. Today we went on a walk. We found SEVEN snakes. We wanted to save them until dad got home so we could show him. We put the snakes in a giant tub and covered them with a lid. Then we put them on the front porch. Then we ran some errands. When we got home, we had zero snakes. #whoknewsnakescouldgetoutofabucket #letshopetheyarentinmyhouse #notcoolsnakes #notcool #lifewithboys #ick


Okay here’s your warning.
Funny story. Today we went on a walk. We found SEVEN snakes. We wanted to save them until dad got home so we could show him. We put the snakes in a giant tub and covered them with a lid. Then we put them on the front porch. Then we ran some errands. When we got home, we had zero snakes.


