Toys become drugs Happiness becomes sadness Success becomes failure Counting stars becomes counting calories Scissors become razors Comparing yourself to barbies becomes comparing yourself to everyone Dreaming becomes staying up all night Puking from flu becomes puking to fit in Friends become enemies Exercise becomes a struggle Internet becomes your best friend Not eating a hole day becomes an accomplishment Impressing others becomes a must People become snitches School becomes a prison Home becomes hell And music becomes your best friend Welcome to teenage years #followforfollow #itsucks #bored #writting #uhh #sucky #original #ick #teenageyears #brainwashedgeneration #grunge #skull


Toys become drugs
Happiness becomes sadness
Success becomes failure
Counting stars becomes counting calories
Scissors become razors
Comparing yourself to barbies becomes comparing yourself to everyone
Dreaming becomes staying up all night
Puking from flu becomes puking to fit in
Friends become enemies
Exercise becomes a struggle
Internet becomes your best friend
Not eating a hole day becomes an accomplishment
Impressing others becomes a must
People become snitches
School becomes a prison
Home becomes hell
And music becomes your best friend
Welcome to teenage years


