Im so awkward looking. >.< Anyway i have no friends. Like zero, because she made them all hate me. And ive hung out with one person (not including bf) the last few months. Because i suck. And im awkward . An depressed. And rant to much. Am to clingy and have lots of panic attacks. Well the only person who i THINK likes me as a friend is my boyfriend’s sister so i have 1. #ugly #awkward #nofriends #depressed #alone #whatthefuckiswrongwithme #worktomorrow #anxiety #selfie #fat #ick #nooneneedsme


Im so awkward looking. >.< Anyway i have no friends. Like zero, because she made them all hate me. And ive hung out with one person (not including bf) the last few months. Because i suck. And im awkward . An depressed. And rant to much. Am to clingy and have lots of panic attacks. Well the only person who i THINK likes me as a friend is my boyfriend's sister so i have 1.


