Having a really hard time comprehending how after having stitches in for two weeks, getting them out, then having my hand wrapped for another 5 days because it wasn’t healing properly I still have a hole in my hand😕😒 this shit can’t be normal, its literally wide open wtf #Gross #LooksWorseNowThanItDidToBeginWith #CarpalTunnel #WristSurgery #HealingProcess #RoadToRecovery #Ick #Wtf #Bruised #JustHealAlready #SoICanGoBackToWork #FeelsLikeForever #HashtagOverload


Having a really hard time comprehending how after having stitches in for two weeks, getting them out, then having my hand wrapped for another 5 days because it wasn’t healing properly I still have a hole in my hand😕😒 this shit can’t be normal, its literally wide open wtf


