Directed by Sonny Mallhi, written by Mallhi and Solomon Gray, Hurt’s general premise involves a solider returning home to his wife, and when both go to one of their favorite Halloween haunts, an evil follows them home. While this is a prominent part of the film, Hurt has a lot more going for it beyond […]
Author: Michael Pementel
[Review] Demonic Horror Movie ‘Agnes’ is Possessed By Weak Writing and Messy Thematic Exploration
Within the first ten minutes of Agnes, there is an opening scene where a young girl sings in a peaceful manner to a group of nuns; a couple minutes after that, there comes a scene of said nuns sitting together, with one abruptly shouting how the group are all whores and lustful – the table […]
[Review] With Great Survival Horror and Action, Shudder’s ‘Death Valley’ Knows How to Thrill
When it comes to cool monster flicks, the name Matthew Ninaber should ring a bell. You may have seen him around this year already – not in his regular looking human body by any means, but all dressed up as the iconic PG of Psycho Goreman! Ninaber is much more than a supernatural powerhouse though, […]
[Review] ‘Death to Metal’ Misplays Its Comedic Chords, But Makes It Up With Violent Gore
For as grim as the lyrical subjects can get in metal, the genre has the means to bring about good into the world. But there are folks who don’t recognize that and just want to complain and be judgmental when it comes to metal – like Father Milton (Andrew Kilborn). As a child, Milton was […]
[Review] ‘Wired Shut’ Makes for a Home Invasion With Heart and Emotional Tension
Reed Rodney (Blake Stadel) is a famous writer who is not only in a creative slump, but has also endured a brutal accident. With his mouth wired shut, he is left to linger about his home – sitting around on his laptop and slurping away at his nutritional drinks through a large straw. Things become […]
[Review] ‘The Advent Calendar’ Offers Few Treats Inside Its Cursed Doors
Written and directed by Patrick Ridremont, The Advent Calendar offers an intriguing spin on holiday horror through the use of its titular plot device. For those unaware, an Advent Calendar is a calendar used to track the days leading up to Christmas. The calendar contains doors which people can open on each consecutive day, the […]
[Interview] Gaming In The Deep: An Interview With FLOAT Designer And Creator Freddie Carlini
For as much as I love playing with friends online via trading card game simulators or other video games, there’s nothing like the in-person tabletop experience. Whether it be something like Dungeons & Dragons or Arkham Horror, sitting around a table with a group of friends, playing through a story, maybe even taking on some […]
[Haunted Riffs Review]: Khemmis Capture Epic Doom on ‘Deceiver’!
Khemmis is a powerhouse of doom. Unlike the more oppressive side of the genre, the Denver, CO act take on a more triumphant tone – albeit one imbued with melancholy. Their sound offers the remarkable qualities of heavy doom, while also striding away from convention to provide more atmospheric variety. Though their debut 2015 LP […]
[Review]: ‘Bloodmoon: I’ Displays the Brilliance and Musical Intrigue of Converge, Chelsea Wolfe & Stephen Brodsky!
Being the metalcore force that they’ve been for more than three decades, Converge has always been interested in experimentation. The band’s most iconic release, Jane Doe (which came out 20 years ago), is a testament to that; going beyond the realm of hardcore song structure, Converge laid out an experience that hammers and throttles away […]
Netflix and ‘Train to Busan’ Director’s New Series “Hellbound” Stands Tall Alongside “Midnight Mass” [Review]
Editor’s Note: Joe Lipsett had previously reviewed the show’s first three episodes. Belief is a gray element within life – belief can inspire good or evil. Belief can allow us to find hope or stir others with fear. In the wrong hands, people can craft belief into a weapon. The latter is very much at […]
[Interview] ‘Dying Light 2’ Lead Designer Tymon Smektala on Overcoming the Monsters and Horrors of Night
Throughout my time playing Dying Light 2 Stay Human, I felt drawn into the world. Everything from the monsters I faced to the NPCs I interacted with all came together to create this authentic apocalyptic setting. Humanity’s struggle to survive against these horrific creatures and each other moved me, especially considering the more emotional writing and […]
[Hands-On Preview] ‘Dying Light 2: Stay Human’ Shows Great Promise For Techland’s Zombie Epic
In building upon previous mechanics and providing a more personal story with impactful player choice, Dying Light 2 Stay Human offers a grim world with much to explore. In having the chance to spend several hours playing the game, I have found that developer Techland has not only significantly improved upon what was laid out […]
[Review] Vampire Movie ‘Dead & Beautiful’ Hesitates to Bite Deep
With exceptions, many vampires are presented in a light (though not literally) of wealth. Class and vampires aren’t that far a stretch when it comes to topical overlapping; given the castles, decadent wardrobes, and fancy lifestyles, vampires have been accustomed to portrayals of high society. The monsters are a brilliant means to explore the corruption […]
[Review] 200 Stab Wounds’ ‘Slave to the Scalpel’ Is Vicious, Gory Death Metal #HauntedRiffs
The noise that 200 Stab Wounds have been making is far from subtle. The Cleveland, Ohio death metal outfit are relatively new to the scene – having formed in 2020 – but have been rattling the underground. Their impressive EP Piles of Festering Decomposition bursts with ferocious sounding riffs and pummeling presentation. Compared to other […]
How Existential Horrors and New Villains Could Shape the Future of Godzilla Movies
For nearly 70 years, Godzilla has reigned supreme as a primal force of destruction. Though the mighty King Kong made his debut a couple decades prior to the nuclear dinosaur, Kong’s compassion for humankind is what has kept him at bay from being the top titan. Alongside his size and incredible power, it is Godzilla’s […]