‘Elden Ring’ Review – A Beautifully Twisted World of Endless Death!

I’ve spent the best part of three weeks playing Elden Ring. I’d put off this review another few weeks if I could, not because I’m unsure about my feelings on the game, but because I don’t want to put any kind of finality on one of the best game experiences I’ve had for a long […]

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‘Ghostwire: Tokyo’ is Shaping Up to Be a Spirited Spookfest [Hands-On Preview]

In our Ghostwire: Tokyo preview, it seems Tango Gameworks is heading in an intriguing new direction. Does it translate to a good horror experience though? Ghostwire: Tokyo is a game about the lines between the living and the dead. It’s also a game steeped in Japanese mythology. More importantly, however, Ghostwire: Tokyo is the most […]

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Heading on a Microgame-Filled Road Trip Through the Afterlife in ‘SPOOKWARE’ [Safe Room Podcast]

In the conversation of horror games, there’s a tendency to measure a title’s worth in scares. And while fear is an inherent strength of the genre, to entirely base horror games’ worth on that metric would be a disservice to the variety of experiences horror can offer. Much like PG-13 films fostering a love of […]

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‘Ghostwire: Tokyo – Prelude’ Visual Novel Game is Free on PS4 and PS5 From Today

March is here, and that means we’re very close to Tango Gameworks’ Ghostwire: Tokyo, its first game since 2017’s The Evil Within 2. In fact, you could have a taste of it today if you want. Ghostwire: Tokyo – Prelude is a free visual novel set in the world of the upcoming supernatural game. Not […]

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‘The Walking Dead: Last Mile’ is a Massively Interactive Live Event Launching This Summer on Facebook

The world of The Walking Dead is coming to a close this year for the likes of Daryl, Carol, Maggie, and Rosita in the AMC show. Elsewhere, the dead continue to shamble on for new horizons. With new shows, beverages, and a game, of sorts, arriving. Skybound and Genvid have announced a massively interactive live […]

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TwosDay of Terror: 7 Of The Best Horror Game Sequels

Today is one of those pleasing times where numbers line up on the calendar perfectly. Today is the 22nd day of the 2 month of the year 2022, and also a Tuesday. So yes, it’s TwosDay, and how else could I mark this occasion than with a listicle of some of the best horror game […]

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Aquatic Horror Game ‘Silt’ Captures the Enchanting Terror of the Deep [Preview]

Spiral Circus’ monochrome aquatic horror game shows great promise in our ‘Silt’ preview impressions. I can’t remember the last game that enchanted me with its visual beauty whilst unnerving me with what it represented. Well, congratulations to developer Spiral Circus, because it has already achieved just that in a short demo for its upcoming aquatic […]

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‘Dying Light 2’ Spoilercast: Traversing the Highs and Lows of Techland’s Zombie Epic [Safe Room Podcast]

Dying Light 2 has been out just over a week now, and it’s clearly found a sizable audience. One that connects with its open-world parkour and zombie-smashing. Why wouldn’t people like that? It’s a bigger, bolder sequel to Techland’s 2015 title, and as my review for Bloody Disgusting shows, I am among those that enjoyed […]

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Stealth RPG ‘Abermore’ Will Let You Wield Mystical Powers and Plan the Perfect Heist This March

As much as I adore Arkane’s Deathloop (and I really, really do adore it), I’m currently hankering for something a lot closer to the studio’s previous game, Dishonored 2. With Four Circle Interactive’s new game Abermore, I might have found just what I was looking for. Abermore is an immersive sim-style RPG in the vein […]

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[Review] Revived Shooter ‘PowerSlave Exhumed’ Brings Decent Alien Warfare to Egypt

Mummies, Marines, and an alien menace made PowerSlave stand out in the 90s. In Neil Bolt’s PowerSlave Exhumed review, he sees if this remaster holds up. It’s pretty impressive how Nightdive Studios has successfully had a hand in reenergizing so many classic and cult games in recent years. System Shock, Shadow Man, Doom 64, Quake, […]

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[Preview] ‘Ghostwire: Tokyo’: Tango Gameworks’ Latest is Building on ‘The Evil Within 2’ in Supernatural Style

We got a Ghostwire: Tokyo preview, and came away impressed by the supernatural new game from Tango Gameworks. I have this strange fondness for seeing normally populated worlds in video games emptied of humanity. Ever played The Forest with enemies turned off? Wandered through some of the quieter ruins of the Seattle suburbs in The […]

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[Review] ‘Dying Light 2: Stay Human’ Shines as a Succesful Zombie-Smashing Sequel

Running from zombies has never been such a good time. In Bloody Disgusting’s Dying Light 2 review, find out just why dead is better. Seven years after first releasing something of a surprise hit with zombie-kicking parkour adventure Dying Light, Polish developer Techland returns that formula with a sequel that looks to expand on the […]

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The Night Comes For Us: Why Techland’s Zombie RPG ‘Dying Light’ Delivered on the Promise of ‘Dead Island’

As a selling point, that now-infamous E3 trailer for Techland’s zombie RPG Dead Island was an all-timer. Unfortunately, the game itself fell a fair bit short of expectations. It’s not to say Dead Island was particularly bad. It was disappointingly ordinary and riddled with technical hitches, but there was something in its island resort setting, […]

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[Review] Cosmic Horror Courtship Goes Awry in Eldritch Terror Dating Sim ‘Sucker For Love: First Date’

I’d imagine the world of dating has become more terrifying than ever before thanks to the events of the past two years. All that time cut off from the wider physical world contorts the social experience into a kind of lucky dip where you’re less likely to find a diamond, and far far more likely […]

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Sci-Fi Shooter ‘The Anacrusis’ Takes Co-Op Horde Blasting to the Stars [Early Access Impressions]

With so many co-op monster shooters arriving in recent times, The Anacrusis already has a job in standing out, but it’s already laying some impressive groundwork for the future as it begins life in Early Access. Will it end up being a Big Bang or a Black Hole? Unlike many of its genre pals, The […]

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