Reverse Horror Title ‘Carrion’ Coming to Mobile Devices This Month [Trailer]

After conquering PC and consoles (with PlayStation 5 being the last), Phobia Game Studio’s Carrion has a new target: mobile. Publisher Devolver Dgiital and developer Phobia Game Studio have announced that Carrion is coming to iOS and Android. While no release date has officially been announced yet, according to the App Store listing, there is […]

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Six Disturbing Moments of Cosmic Horror in Video Games

As Lovecraft once put it, “the oldest and strongest kind of fear is the fear of the unknown,” which I think perfectly summarizes why cosmic horror stories are so effective. Commonly defined as a subgenre of fiction that derives scares from existential and/or incomprehensible threats, cosmic horror presents us with situations where knowledge isn’t necessarily […]

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‘Carrion’ Finally Available on the PlayStation 5 [Trailer]

It’s taken an awfully long time for PlayStation 5 owners to finally get their hands on Devolver Digital’s Carrion, but the day’s finally here. Developer Phobia Game Studio released the PS5 version of their hit reverse horror title yesterday, two years after Carrion first arrived on the PlayStation 4. Unfortunately, there’s no 20% discount this […]

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The Other Side of the Chainsaw: Six Horror Video Games Where YOU Are the Monster!

It’s one thing to watch characters run away from a monster but another to actually escape the creature yourself, and that’s why videogames are uniquely suited for horror stories. However, in a medium known for entertaining power fantasies, it makes sense that some games also allow players to find out what it feels like to […]

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Horror in a Box: 20 Years of Exclusive Horror Games For Xbox Consoles

What started as a snicker for many gamers way back in 2001 has gone on to become a successful endeavor for Microsoft. True, the Xbox has always played runner-up to Sony’s PlayStation, and it wasn’t without its growing pains (the initial Xbox controllers, the infamous 360 Red Ring of Death), but the extraordinarily large game […]

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[Trailer] ‘Carrion’ Finally Launches on PlayStation 4 Today With 20% Discount

PlayStation owners now finally have Devolver Digital’s reverse-horror game Carrion on their console. Developer Phobia Game Studio made the announcement earlier today on PlayStation Blog. Along with the announcement, Phobia Game Studio’s Game Director Sebastian Krośkiewicz discusses the game’s development, and its long journey to the PlayStation 4 (“I know, ‘finally,’ right?”). Krośkiewicz also talks […]

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[Trailer] Phobia Game Studio’s ‘Carrion’ Hitting PlayStation 4 Later This Year

PlayStation fans will finally be able to snag Phobia Game Studio’s Carrion later this year. The developer and publisher Devolver Digital made the announcement today via PlayStation Blog. Unfortunately, “later in 2021” is the best we’re going to get at the moment for this little “reverse horror” game that we absolutely loved (despite a few […]

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