5 Deep Cut Horror Movies to Seek Out in April 2024

New month, new horror recommendations from Deep Cuts Rising. This installment features selections reflecting the month of April 2024. Regardless of how they came to be here, or what they’re about, these past movies can generally be considered overlooked, forgotten or unknown. This month’s offerings include telepathic plants, ecological horrors, and a lot of killer […]

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The 10 Scariest Moments in the ‘Ghostbusters’ Movie Franchise

WARNING: The following contains mild spoilers for the Ghostbusters franchise.  Yes, Ghostbusters is a horror movie – gateway horror to be exact. Setting aside the fact that the title literally contains the word “ghost,” a foundational element of the scariest genre, the franchise follows a group of paranormal researchers who battle entities attacking from beyond […]

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‘Bloodmoon’ (1990) – An Underseen Ozploitation Spin on the Classic American Slasher

As secrets come out and the body count grows, a character in Bloodmoon says to another: “This is nightmare night, the end-of-the-fuckin’-world night… all the bugs and the bats and the goblins are coming out tonight and no one can stop them.” Based on that rather dramatic statement, one delivered by actor Christine Amor without […]

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‘The Fog’ 19 Years Later: There’s a Reason You Don’t Remember This John Carpenter Remake

John Carpenter’s illustrious catalog of horror and non-horror classics has already seen three remakes (Halloween, Assault on Precinct 13, and this column’s focus), with at least one more kinda-sorta confirmed on the way (Escape from New York). If you consider 2011’s The Thing enough of a remake, notch another on the bedpost. It makes sense; […]

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‘Phantasm’ – Why the Horror Classic’s Exploration of Death Still Resonates 45 Years Later

As Benjamin Franklin famously wrote, “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” The horror genre offers a controlled environment in which viewers can reflect on their own morality, whether it be via catharsis or escapism, but a personal loss can complicate one’s relationship with horror. Even the most […]

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Six Shot-on-VHS Horror Movies to Watch After ‘Frogman’

Nostalgia is a funny thing. From the unexpected resurgence of vinyl to modern-day flip phones, it’s pretty clear that the technical limitations of the past can often inspire the stylish trends of the future. One of my favorite examples of this is the ongoing analog horror craze, as I find it fascinating how many of […]

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‘The Company of Wolves’ at 40: One of the Most Underrated Werewolf Movies Ever Made

There’s a compelling idea in anthropology that many ancient werewolf legends are derived from our species’ need to rationalize the more animalistic side of humanity – which is why lycanthropy has historically been used to explain everything from medieval serial killers to cannibalism. While I personally think there’s a lot more to unpack when it […]

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[Retrospective] The Psychological Terror of ‘X-COM: UFO Defence’ at 30

Fear of the unknown is always a reliable go-to when it comes to horror. And throwing something even more mysterious like aliens into the mix only adds to it. Admittedly, MicroProse’s classic 1994 PC turn-based strategy game X-COM: UFO Defence (or UFO: Enemy Unknown for you fans in the UK) isn’t pure horror, but it […]

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Mutants, Monsters and Mayhem: Looking at the Body Horrors of the ‘X-Men’ Films

Many of us were excited about the prospect of The New Mutants a few years ago. The sales pitch of an “X-Men horror movie” sounded like a match made in heaven. As often happens, the film that was released was far more of a pillow fight than the cage match I’d hoped for. But as […]

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Bad Habits: 7 of Horror’s Scariest Nuns Ahead of ‘Immaculate’

Between The Nun II, Sister Death, Consecration, the upcoming The First Omen, and the newly released Immaculate, starring Sydney Sweeney, it’s safe to say that nuns are having a moment in horror. So often, fear thrives in the unlit nooks of the unknown, and for many of us, that includes those who dedicate themselves to […]

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35 Years Later, Robert Englund’s ‘976-Evil’ Dials Back to a Bygone Era

Robert Englund steps into the director’s chair with ‘976-Evil,’ a dark dive into Satanism and demonology where a bullied outcast uses an occult hotline to bite back. “Out of the darkness and into light, comes your horrorscope on this dark and stormy night.” Robert Englund is a name who needs no introduction in the horror […]

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Immaculate Scream Queen: Sydney Sweeney’s Most Horrific Roles

In every generation, there is a scream queen–an actress known for starring in horror films who comes to embody the genre landscape of her time. From Janet Leigh and her daughter Jamie Lee Curtis, Sarah Michelle Gellar to Maika Monroe, these women often originate a beloved character or star in a variety of cutting edge […]

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“Extreme Ghostbusters” – Revisiting the Underrated Sequel to “The Real Ghostbusters”

The Real Ghostbusters had only concluded six years before its direct sequel premiered in 1997. And, as with many things geared toward children at the time, there was this trend of overselling the product to bring in both eyes and money. Hence the title of Extreme Ghostbusters (hereinafter referred to as XGB). The revival never […]

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‘Alien: Isolation’ 10 Years Later – Why It’s a Perfect Adaptation

Alien: Isolation is a special game; every single element of it works. Even in wireframe, without the Alien-themed coat of paint, it makes for a completely satisfying gameplay experience. If you had a different styling to it, the world would still feel fully realized and fun to navigate. The tension of being stalked by a […]

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‘Alone in the Dark’: A Brief History of Lovecraft in Gaming

It’s no big surprise that Lovecraft and video games have done a dance or two over the years. Lovecraft dabbling in the fear of the unknown and unknowable, the madness resulting from being unable to comprehend what it is we see, and of course, the go-to for many in the Cthulhu mythos, aka “The Thing […]

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