‘Scream’ – Ghostface Voice Actor Roger L. Jackson Is the Unsung Horror Icon of the Slasher Franchise

You’re home alone. You’re making a snack before you sit down to watch a spooky movie. The phone rings. Odd, who could it be at this hour? You answer. On the other end of the line a friendly, yet provocative voice answers back. He sounds fun – a little sexy even. He asks you: “What’s […]

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TikTok Now Has a ‘Scream’ Feature That Reads Your Text in Original ‘Ghostface’ Actor’s Voice

It was Roger Jackson who provided the iconic “Ghostface” voice in Wes Craven’s original four Scream movies, and he’s back for a fun new TikTok promotion for the new movie! An official marketing stunt for next year’s Scream, you can now have the text in your own TikTok video read off by Ghostface, taking your […]

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