Queer Visual Artist David Ayllon Creates ‘Scream’ Tribute Photo Series! [Images]

If you’ve seen the new Scream film (review), then you’ll know that fandom is a major focus of the film’s social commentary. While certain segments of fandom can undoubtedly be a little toxic, sometimes that extreme passion for a particular IP can birth (pun intended) a wonderfully creative endeavor. That’s exactly what happened when photographer David Ayllon […]

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The Unexpected Gift of ‘Scream 4’! [Horror Queers Podcast]

F*ck with the Original / Hayden Panettiere Is Always Right. It just wouldn’t be a new year without Scream, right? After celebrating the OG Scream on its 25th anniversary back in December (along with seasonal treats like Batman Returns, Fear No Evil, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Witchboard‘s 35th anniversary), Trace and I are FINALLY discussing one […]

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