I have always been brand loyal to an brand which I will not name here. After years of being a always in the and exposed to the elements for hours at a time each day my needed help!! It was from all the, my were huge and full of, I had started to get dark and even though my was greasy the rest of my skin was and! I tried everything! To be completely our branding used to be different and I DIDN’T LIKE THE BOTTLES (seriously) so I didn’t want to try it even though I had heard it was simply!! So I FINALLY did! Within weeks my skin was changing!! The sun spots were GONE…… COMPLETELY!! My pores were shrinking and my flaky dry skin was a thing of the past! Now I’m brand loyal to my own brand is simply the BEST on the market! We offer a monthly program so your products ship to your door for up to 40% off and the best part you earn and will never run out! So tell me? What’s your problem zone with your skin?