‘In Sound Mind’ Devs Announce Remake of ‘Nightmare House 2’ Mod With ‘Nightmare House: Reimagined’ [Trailer]

In Sound Mind developer We Create Stuff has announced that they’re revisiting their 2010 Half-Life 2 horror mod Nightmare House 2 in remake form with Nightmare House: Reimagined. Rebuilt from the ground up as a standalone title in Unreal Engine 5, Nightmare House: Reimagined (which you can wishlist now on Steam) solely focuses on the house from the first chapter of the original game, massively expanded with new rooms, secrets, dangers and deep lore to uncover.

The story sees the player character waking up in a mysterious, abandoned house. No matter where you turn or what you do, you feel as if you’re being watched. You must search the house to uncover “her” secrets, exploring every corner to reveal unspoken truths as you overcome the nightmares heading your way.

Along with battling enemies and solving physics puzzles (this was Half Life 2, after all), you’ll be faced with the “Additive Scare System”. Collect nightmares and scares to challenge them head on, while overcoming the terrors to unveil even deeper, unexplored layers of the house.

The team is also planning on releasing the original Nightmare House mod on Steam for free in Nightmare House: The Original Mod. Touted as “the definitive edition” of Nightmare House 2, this will combine the original Nightmare House, its sequel Nightmare House 2, and The Lost Files addon into one accessible complete game.

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