Sorry for bad video, at the end she sits still more… Is this ick? Ive only had it once, in a large tropical tank 2 years ago. None of my other girls have white specks and are all acting healthy and fine. This girl was purchased from a separate pet store with her sister, who doesn’t have any spots or abnormalities but hides constantly and isn’t very active. Should I treat the whole tank to be safe ? I have fungus cure available. #bettasorority #betta #ick #fish #nature #advice #aquarium


Sorry for bad video, at the end she sits still more… Is this ick? Ive only had it once, in a large tropical tank 2 years ago. None of my other girls have white specks and are all acting healthy and fine. This girl was purchased from a separate pet store with her sister, who doesn’t have any spots or abnormalities but hides constantly and isn’t very active. Should I treat the whole tank to be safe ? I have fungus cure available.


