[That awkward moment when you get tagged for #stopdropandselfie while in the process of doing a makeup thing… so yeah… I feel very self conscious considering I have no makeup on my eyes so I can’t hide my eyelashless face… don’t judge, long story behind that… Okay so I will tag:@sasukeavenged @mayonnais_is_not_an_instrument and @waffleface9000 for this… . {#why #ick #ugly #makeup #smasheddoll #ohgawd #meh #eyeliner}


That awkward moment when you get tagged for while in the process of doing a makeup thing… so yeah… I feel very self conscious considering I have no makeup on my eyes so I can’t hide my eyelashless face… don’t judge, long story behind that… Okay so I will tag:@sasukeavenged and for this…


