This ‘CSI’ Serial Killer Arc Is Worth a Summer Binge [Guide to the Unknown]

There’s just something extra compelling about a fictional serial killer with a signature. It adds a level of pathos to any whodunnit, making the mystery that much more intriguing. Think Buffalo Bill placing moths in the bodies of victims in Silence of the Lambs or Bob sliding paper letters under victims’ fingernails in Twin Peaks. Not only do we (the viewers ourselves, and also projecting ourselves into the position of the detectives onscreen) need to figure out who has done this to these people and where they are, but what does this signature say about their mental state and motivation? Is this a game to them?

These kinds of stories just offer so much. A serial killer’s shtick offers an instant avenue for potential creativity, not only in the signature itself but also for the psychology and motivation of the person behind it. It takes way more work to craft an intricate miniature of a murder to leave at your crime scene than just to commit the crime and bounce. So what must that person’s deal be?

That isn’t a random example, of course. This week on Bloody FM’s Guide to the Unknown, we’re talking about The Miniature Killer storyline from season 7 of forensic procedural CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. The basic, spoiler-free gist is that CSIs work several crime scenes with an exact miniature diorama of that very scene placed somewhere in the area, often with intentional details that help them piece together at least the howdunnit, if not the who. They are completely awesome, completely tiny, and there is a framed photo of Danny Bonaduce that’s a quarter of the size of a postage stamp in the first one.

I dare not say more here, though we talk about the entire storyline in depth on the week’s show, but as you might imagine, things escalate.

This has been lodged in our brains since it aired in 2006 because it’s so cool and so weird, and a little indoor, air-conditioned trip down memory lane with Gil Grissom and co. was a total pleasure. If you would like to take the same journey, here’s a little episode guide to the appearances of The Miniature Killer storyline:

  • Season 7, Episode 1: Built to Kill, Part 1
  • Season 7, Episode 2: Built to Kill, Part 2
  • Season 7, Episode 7: Post Mortem
  • Season 7, Episode 10: Loco Motives
  • Season 7, Episode 16: Monster in the Box
  • Season 7, Episode 24: Living Doll
  • Season 8, Episode 1: Dead Doll
  • Season 9, Episode 7: Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda

As you can see, this is a recurring arc in season 7 that ends with a season finale cliffhanger and resolves in the season 8 premiere, and there’s a little bit of a revisit a season later. It’s a lot of episodes, and it’s certainly not prestige TV, but it totally rules. If it feels like too much, just watch it in chunks. Minis.

For more aughts crime TV nostalgia, join me, Kristen, and my co-host Will for this week’s episode of Guide to the Unknown. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts to get a new episode every Friday.

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