This guy….walk in the door to a horrific smell. Pooped in his kennel and then kicked the tray out so he didn’t have to step in it. He goes outside to finish his toilet duties only to barf all over the sidewalk. Barfed. Up. His. Own. Poop. While I am amused he thought he might be a self-producing food factory, I am also disgusted. Gross Cowpie. GROSS.


This guy….walk in the door to a horrific smell. Pooped in his kennel and then kicked the tray out so he didn’t have to step in it. He goes outside to finish his toilet duties only to barf all over the sidewalk. Barfed. Up. His. Own. Poop. While I am amused he thought he might be a self-producing food factory, I am also disgusted. Gross Cowpie. GROSS.


