“X-Men: The Animated Series” debuted on Halloween 1992 on the Fox Kids Network, continuing for five seasons before coming to an end in September 1997. All these years later, The Wrap is reporting for #DisneyPlusDay that the series is getting a fresh new reboot with a series titled “X-Men ’97,” which is currently in the works for Disney+ sometime in 2023!
And yes, the reboot series will indeed pick up where the original series left off!
The Wrap details, “Returning cast members include: Cal Dodd, Lenore Zann, George Buza, Adrian Hough, Christopher Britton, Catherine Disher, Chris Potter, Alison Sealy-Smith, and Alyson Court.” New voices include Jennifer Hale, Anniwaa Buachie, Ray Chase, Matthew Waterson, JP Karliak, Holly Chou, Jeff Bennett, and AJ LoCascio.
Beau DeMayo has been set as the head writer and executive producer.
Head over to The Wrap to learn more about the revival project.